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05 September 2011

What sort of a financial genius...

...can be bribed with his own money?
-- QUEENS PARK -- "Premier Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal candidates insist the shower of promises has nothing to do with the election. How anyone can say that with a straight face illustrates, among other reasons, why so few people of quality want to enter politics, and why so many people are skeptical of those who do."
I mean, c'mon folks... wake up and smell the con...
"The provincial Liberals are promising to bring back house calls from doctors IF they win the Oct. 6 election."
And what is today's taxpayer-funded goodie?
"Students from families with annual incomes of less than $160,000 would be eligible for grants of $1,600 for each year of full-time university studies, effective Jan. 1."
And, hey... it'll only cost us a paltry $486-million a year.

Hey... ya gotta have priorities... right?


RELATED: Bought and paid for...'s a Liberal thing...
There’s another interesting admission in the platform. They’ve finally discarded any pretense that all-day kindergarten is about education.

“Full-day kindergarten is saving families up to $6,500 per child per year in child care costs,” says their glitzy platform book.

So, it wasn’t about quality education after all. It’s all about free daycare.

LAST WORD: In Dalton's socialist paradise... childrens is are futcher...
"It's not fair that university degrees only be awarded to the academically gifted. They should be equally distributed amongst all the various protected categories of citizens."