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20 September 2011

Tonight's CTV Moonbat moment

Just listened to CTV's Lisa Laflamme & Bob Fife condemning Stephen Harper's "massive" plan to... and I quote... "put more Canadians in jail."

Oh... my... gawd... Conservatives are arresting Canadian citizens for no reason whatsoever? It's like some sweaty-balled third world banana republic.

No wonder Bob and all those opposition politicians are so upset.

Wait a minute... what's that?

They're just going after "criminals"?

Well, why didn't you say so?

Oh, right... it's CTV.


RELATED: Got a kid at university?

Maybe they can expand their antisocial circle...
"Now 25, the older sister was released to a halfway house after only three years in custody and is at the University of Waterloo studying engineering. Her younger sister, 24, served four years and was freed in 2010 to attend the University of Ottawa."

LAST WORD: Agenda? What agenda?
Fife made the obligatory fawning references to outgoing GG Michaƫlle Jean "blowing people away"... with Taber chiming in that she was a "rock star."

In stark contrast, Bobbo actually referred to incoming GG David Johnston as... and I swear I'm not making this up... "a boring old white guy."
Welcome to CTV's "Brave New Canada."

Is it really working, though?

We have a majority Conservative government in Ottawa.

Toronto, the self-acknowledged center of the compassionate, intellectual universe... recently elected Rob Ford.

C'mon, Ontario... let's go for the trifecta.