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21 September 2011

Your money... his friends

The David Suzuki Foundation received between $100,000 and $250,000 from the government-affiliated Ontario Trillium Foundation in 2010. --
In the video, Suzuki praises McGuity’s green initiatives, saying “I happen to applaud the future he’s leading us into.”
Hmmm... fanatical eco-nauts & shamelessly manipulative politicians climbing into bed and slathering themselves with taxpayer moola... what could possibly go wrong?
In the letters sent to the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, attorneys for Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and CFO W. G. Stover said they advised their clients not to provide testimony during the hearings.

The bankrupt company's $535 million federal loan guarantee is being investigated by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.