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04 May 2011

Is this how the NDP rolls?

jack's kids
Newly elected Quebec candidate Ruth Ellen Brosseau, who took a vacation in Las Vegas during the election campaign, is now being accused of having filed falsified nomination papers.

A resident in the Quebec riding of Berthier-Maskinongé said he and his wife were improperly listed on Ms. Brosseau's nomination paper.

Defeated Liberal candidate Francine Gaudet said other signatures on Ms. Brosseau’s nomination papers were from people who do not live in the riding – allegations the NDP denied on Wednesday.

RELATED: Guess what... size matters
Prime Minister Stephen Harper's expenses came to $281,255.67, compared to Liberal Leader's Michael Ignatieff's $570,984.10.
And what about their socialist colleagues?
NDP Leader Jack Layton racked up the highest expense account despite being the leader of the smallest party. Layton billed taxpayers for $628,913.68.

MP Olivia Chow, who isn't a party leader, knows how to party nonetheless... $530,304.73