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05 May 2011

Hey Ontario... just a little something else... ponder as you're sitting there in the hospital emergency room for 6 hours... waiting to see a doctor...
secret dalton deals
The Ontario government awarded employees of the province’s largest public-sector union an additional wage increase of 1 per cent for 2012 as part of a “secret deal” that critics say undermines the integrity of the collective bargaining process and calls into question other settlements.
Wow... I guess everybody involved in this cover-up must be hanging their heads in shame...
OPSEU president Warren (Smokey) Thomas said in an interview that he had no “moral or legal obligation” to report the top-up deal to the public.
Hmmm... maybe not.
The generosity of the deal is in sharp contrast to the McGuinty government’s pronouncements on the need to rein in spending in the public sector as it grapples with a multibillion-dollar deficit.
Gotta say... Tim Hudak can't get here soon enough for me.

RELATED: Here's a thought...

...more news options... less chance of things being swept under the carpet.