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19 November 2010

Move along folks...

...nothing uni-dimensional to see here...
The prize piece in their display window is a coffin decorated with images of mostly naked, muscular young men in athletic poses inspired by Italian Renaissance paintings.

“We believe you should be able to have a coffin that lets you embark on your last journey in a way that reflects how you lived your life,” undertaker Thomas Brandl told Reuters on Thursday.
A life defined by what you did with your genitals?

The gay couple also sell coffins and urns in rainbow colours — the international symbol of the gay and lesbian movement — and offer burials around a tree reserved exclusively for homosexuals.
And the dulcet tones of The Village People offer a last touching memory.

C'mon, people... is that all there is?


FROM THE COMMENTS: C'mon now, everybody needs...

...a hobby, says Chris...
"Would it bother you if a movie fan wanted to be buried in a movie inspired casket? Or if a car buff wanted to be buried in a metallic coffin with chrome trim?"
Yeah... there's a clear-cut equivalence.

See, Chris... I've said it before...
"Fewer feather boas... more David Sedaris."

UPDATE: Wow, look who's back...

...apparently Chris really has a penis, er... dog in this fight...
"Oh, yeah, you(sic) concerned about how such things would affect the 'grandparents'."
10:23 AM, November 20, 2010

"Though I do understand your deep concern for "grandparents" and their impressions of such things."
10:57 AM, November 20, 2010

"I was getting your deep and honest concern about "grandparent" sensibilities."
1:40 PM, November 20, 2010

"Those poor "grandparents". Thankfully someone honestly has their best interests at heart."
10:29 AM, November 21, 2010

"Are we to assume you no longer care about grandparent feelings? If that's the case, then why do you care about the availability of these caskets?"
8:34 AM, November 22, 2010

LAST WORD: Yoohoo, Chris... over here

In your personal crusade against perceived homophobia... ya think maybe there might possibly be some bigger fish to fry?
Thanks to an amendment supported by a group of African and Muslim nations — which passed by a vote of 79-70 — the reference to sexual orientation has been struck from this year’s resolution.

The effective message is that killing someone because they’re gay just isn’t that bad.
Nah... what was I thinking?