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19 November 2010

And Tommy Chong wept

So, you're saying what, bro... dope & hookers are only part of the solution?
-- AMSTERDAM -- If the idea ever becomes reality — it would be legally complicated and politically divisive — it would be the latest of the country's liberal policies to be scrapped or curtailed as the Dutch rethink the limits of their famed tolerance.

Amsterdam has resisted enforcing some of the conservative trends. For instance, it rejected a 2008 ban on marijuana cafes near schools that would have led to the closure of nearly all the bars, commonly known as "coffee shops."

But it has accepted others. In 2006, the city shut down a third of its legal brothels, saying they were a magnet for criminals.

FROM THE COMMENTS: The Socratic method...
"people fornicating and shooting people in the streets"
Yeah... thanks for that, nonny.