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08 October 2010

More prison spaces?

Frankly... can't come soon enough for me...
A Scarborough dad admitted Thursday he used his minivan to run down his daughter, her boyfriend and his son-in-law because he disapproved of his daughter’s boyfriend.

The accused rejected his daughter’s boyfriend because he came from a lower caste in their native Sri Lanka.
Now I know the Liberal Party of Canada is all bent outta shape about locking up sociopaths of all stripes... but heck guys... it's not like this guy didn't already get the fuzzy-bunny Canuckistan red carpet treatment already...
Selvanayagam Selladurai, 46, pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated assault for the June 1, 2007, incident near Stephen Leacock Collegiate.

He was initially charged with three counts of attempted murder.