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08 October 2010

From the CBC comments

"Reads like a page out of grade school bullying -- authorities do little to stop the actual bully, but as soon as one of the victims strikes back in self defence, he's the one in trouble!"
And this thing just keeps on getting better.

The other "victim"... poor little Anthony Bennett... decides to play the race, er... dumbass card...
When officers asked him why on Earth Mr. Chen would have chased him down, he had mused, “I have no idea, sir. Because I’m black? I don’t know. I don’t know.”
Yeah... that must be it. It had nothing to do with the thievery... that was caught on videotape.
Mr. Bennett is the 52-year-old career criminal – 43 convictions for offences as varied as theft (his specialty), fraud, trafficking and uttering a death threat spread over more than 30 years.
And hey... it's just not his fault... he has a disability...
Mr. Bennett was furious that, as he put it, “this stuff that happened in my past” was being constantly brought up, and claimed to have been clean (of heroin and crack) for two months and to not have robbed anyone else, either.
Remember folks... this is why you pay taxes... so scumbag junkies get their 15 minutes of fame.


LAST WORD: Ask a Newfie
"Apart from the outrage that should be felt over his lunatic prosecution, there should be a second outrage that this parasite — Bennett is his name — chose to steal the goods and labour of a man who has nothing but his goods and labour."

"The layabout and the crook injures the self-reliant and hardworking … and then the 'system' sides with the layabout. That’s what has everyone so angry."