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29 October 2010

In other "Your home, their castle" news

Yet again... the world appears to be upside-down...
Singleton and his wife Marilyn arrived home to discover a strange vehicle parked in the driveway May 29. The 46-year-old homeowner parked behind it, trapping it while he fetched a hatchet from his home northwest of Taber, RCMP say.

The man searched his house and found no one inside, but encountered a man in his 20s trying to escape in the blocked car. Police say Singleton struck the man twice with the blunt end of a hatchet, smashing his teeth and face.

The injured suspect ran off, getting tangled in a barbed wire fence, but police tracked him down to his home shortly after. Police arrested two other men in a pickup truck on a road near the home.
So... of course... the cops decide to arrest the homeowner.


RELATED: Our modern world

In Dalton McGuinty's socialist paradise... there's no such thing as a bad boy... or bad girl... anymore.
On the evening before learning if he will face consequences for tying up a shoplifter, a grocer in Toronto's Chinatown apprehended a woman who, he claims, stole roughly $100 worth of various products.

The woman was charged with theft and released at the scene, Mr. Chen said. Police could not immediately confirm if anyone had been charged.
Lest you imagine this is somehow an isolated incident...
-- PORT COLBORNE, Ont. -- A Port Colborne, Ont., man whose home was attacked has ended up facing charges himself.
Don't even get me started on Caledonia.