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29 October 2010

The Turkey Baster Chronicles

Hey, I know you... you're that messed-up chick whose mom needs a man... like a fish needs a bicycle...
"A study from the Commission on Parenthood's Future found children conceived by sperm donation are more likely to suffer from isolation and depression, and are roughly twice as likely as biological children to struggle with substance abuse."
Hmmm... there's a couple of possibilities that jump out here.

Either donor sperm is somehow inherently substandard... or people who jump through these kind of hoops to have children make crappier parents.

Who exactly said there is a human right to have children anyway?

Does creating test-tube progeny, or purchasing discarded baby girls from China solve... or simply facilitate... social injustice?

And why are untold sums of money being spent on these type of things, when Canadian children are languishing in the "care system"... unable to find permanent loving homes?

I don't get it.