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12 September 2010

Just a vulgar rag for the commoners, huh?

Apparently, uber-Liberal Ian Davey isn't afraid to crap all over the peasants...
Michael Ignatieff's former chief of staff went on television Sunday and took a shot at Toronto Sun readers... "It's a newspaper for people who can't read and I think that probably applies to the whole chain."
Yeah... every time I see your fearless leader I get that very same "let them eat cake" vibe.

So Ian, tell us... how are things going out in the land of Gray Poupon, anyway?
"It was right for me to support the Iraq war when I was an academic, because academics live in outer space on Planet Zinfandel, and play with ideas all day."

"But now, as a politician in a country that opposed the war, I'll admit I screwed up, because politicians must deign to harness the wild mares of whimsy to the ox-cart of cold, calculated reality."

RELATED: Yes Ian, if only Sun Media...

...could be as fair and balanced as the CBC.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Oh nonny, you are "special"

The compassionate, intellectual left replies...
"Scratch a Conservative and find an anti-Semite. Not to mention the fact that you're shitting on Canadian mustard seed growers."
The always cryptic but never uncertain Nonny also supplies circulation numbers for the Toronto Sun... which begs the question... "How often do you get a chance to call 180,000 people 'illiterate hillbillies' in one fell swoop?"

And that's only one paper in the Sun Media chain.

May the poli-sci gawds bless you, Ian Davey.