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19 August 2010

C'mon... what's all the fuss about?

It's not like she tried to... whoa... just hold up a freakin' minute...
A woman charged with attempting to murder her 19-year-old daughter has been released under conditions. The 38-year-old was accused by police in June of a so-called honour crime when her daughter arrived home late one night.

The Afghan-born Kaleki is charged with attempted murder, assault with a weapon and aggravated assault.
Three cheers for uber-enlightened Canuckistan... where your first whack at homicide gets treated like vandalism.

You think I'm joking? Think again...
Justice Sal LoVecchio gave Magomadova a suspended sentence Thursday with three years of probation, for killing Aminat, 14, on Feb. 26, 2007.
Oh Canada.