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19 August 2010

Just something to think about, Ontario...

...the next time you're sitting waiting for seven hours in your local hospital emergency room...
row, row, row your boatThe thing I don't get... I heard these destitute folks paid $50,000 apiece to get on that boat.

So why exactly is all this coming out of my taxes?
It would end up costing taxpayers more than $300,000 a month in welfare payments if all 492 Tamil migrants who landed in British Columbia last week settled in Ontario.

In addition to welfare, Tamil refugee claimants will be able to apply for federal benefits that include a Universal Child Care Benefit of $100 a month for each child under 6, according to the federal government. They are also eligible for a federal Child Tax Benefit and the National Child Benefit Supplement so a couple with one child can get $327.66 per month, on top of $1,058 they receive under Ontario’s welfare system.

It will also cost about $22 million for Ontario Legal Aid Plan lawyers to help the migrants with their cases.

Oh yeah... fyi... apparently there are two more boatloads on the way.