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07 August 2010

Another media-manufactured hero...

...crashes and burns... yet again...
In 1996, he pleaded guilty in Edmonton to more than a dozen charges, ranging from assault with a weapon to fraud and theft.

By 2008, he had at least seven driving convictions, including impaired driving, for which he served time in jail that year.
I wonder when Brenda Martin is gonna figure this one out... and announce her walk across Canada in support of misunderstood alcoholics.


RELATED: Let's talk real heroes
Local police identified the mission’s team leader, Dr. Tom Little of Delmar, N.Y., as one of the dead. Dr. Little, a 61-year-old optometrist, had been working in Afghanistan for the past four decades and spoke fluent Dari.

A British surgeon, Dr. Karen Woo, 36, was also on the expedition and was confirmed dead by her organization, Bridge Afghanistan.
Kinda puts all those uber-celebrated Canadian walkathons in perspective.