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07 August 2010

Never mind "driving while black"... about "practising medicine while Christian"...
-- KABUL -- Eight foreign medical workers, including "several""Americans, were killed by gunmen in Afghanistan's remote northeast, police and officials said on Saturday, with the attack claimed by the Taliban.

A Christian aid group said it appeared those killed were members of one of its mobile eye clinics which had been traveling in northeastern Nuristan province and was headed back for Kabul after providing eye care for local Afghans.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings and accused the medical workers of proselytising Christianity.
Once again, the savage, capricious and unknowable Will of Allah.


RELATED: Compare and contrast...
He gave a voluntary statement on videotape to the RCMP – whose actions were exemplary – in which he implicated himself. He was a free man in Toronto when he gave that statement.
Oh, the huge manatee.