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15 July 2010

It's like they teach at Law School...

...never ask a question, you don't already know the answer to...
bye-bye iggy'Cos I gotta tell ya, Mikey... there are some dogs that shouldn't ever leave the backyard.

RELATED: Uh, Mikey, you think...

...I could bunk down at your extra chateau in France?...
bye-bye iggyReader Rich's head explodes...
"Note to Iggy -- if the other countries' economies tank, we won't be immune. We need to be cutting costs to the bone and lowering taxes."

"In any event, if you wanted to have tax money go somewhere, this hare-brained idea is one of the last places it should go."

"There is a program for this. It's called Her Majesty's Canadian Forces. Heck, they paid my expenses to see the USA (well, various artillery impact areas in Michigan and New York State), West Germany and Egypt and Israel."
Amen brother.