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15 July 2010

Chalk up another one for that...

..."broad-strata" daughter strangling phenomena...
-- CALGARY -- Aset Magomadova will not go to jail for strangling her teenage daughter with a head scarf at their northeast Calgary home more than three years ago, a Queen Bench's justice ruled on Thursday. Justice Sal LoVecchio gave Magomadova a suspended sentence Thursday with three years of probation, for killing Aminat, 14, on Feb. 26, 2007. “The Crown said incarceration is required for respect for the law. I do not agree."
Oh, yeah... she didn't strangle her... she "applied a ligature"...
"I find that Ms. Magomadova, by choosing to apply a ligature -- in this case, a scarf -- for at least 2 1/2 minutes, was the application of excessive force," said LoVecchio.
Sounds a little bit like those "neck compressions" used on Aqsa Parvez... To quote (and I wrote it down, so I wouldn't screw it up) talking-head Lloyd Robertson...
"Her neck was compressed, to the point she couldn't breathe."
I truly fear for my country. 

UPDATE:  Via Blazing Cat Fur... 

 You've just strangled your own child... what's the first thing you do? Apparently not CPR... or call 911...
According to an agreed statement of facts, Magomadova and her troubled 14-year-old daughter got into an argument in front of the girl's brother and aunt. The mother and daughter took the fight into a sewing room. Neither called out for help, and the mother later emerged to announce that her daughter was dead. Magomadova made several long-distance phone calls to Europe with a calling card before dialling 911.
Seems just a tad cold-blooded to me.