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08 June 2010

Contrary to what you may have heard...

...none of Judy Sgro's kids are actually working as strippers...
Buy a condo for $138,000 in 2001. Transfer it five years later to your kids. Then start claiming an extra $11,000 from taxpayers.

How many of these cozy little deals are there lurking on MPs’ books?
Oh, c'mon now Lorne... the leader of the Liberal Party says Canadians aren't interested in these tedious little details...
Michael Ignatieff, who finds a new way to bewilder the Canadian public every passing day, has offered the perplexing comment that the voters are not interested in the "dinner receipts" of MPs.
Hey, Iggy... I'll give you "dinner receipts"... but what say we take a look at these little sweetheart deals your guys are making with their kids.