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09 June 2010

Okay, Peace Moonbeam... try to keep up

Spending 2 billion hard-earned taxpayer dollars to make farmers, duck hunters and weekend skeet shooters jump through bureaucratic hoops... has about as much effect on violent crime... as tossing screaming virgins into fiery volcanoes.

I can give you the solution in one short sentence... "Use a gun -- you're done."

And it looks like some folks are starting to feel the same way...
A Toronto judge has handed out a 7 1/2-year prison term for illegal gun possession, one of the toughest such sentences in Canada and part of a growing trend.

On top of this, Ontario Superior Court Justice Frank Marrocco gave Patrick Johnson 1 1/2 years for breaches of weapons prohibition orders — a total of nine years.
Now the way this actually works under existing Canadian law, we'll be lucky if this waste of carbon actually does half this time... but it's a start.

The fact is... Canada doesn't have a "gun problem"... it has a viral epidemic of "sociopathic thugs."

And, despite all the pious daily malarkey from Peter & Lloyd... you're sure as shit not gonna solve that by harassing my neighbours about the tool they use to keep the coyotes off their livestock.

You put these assholes on a concrete-walled island... give them sledgehammers and have them turn big rocks into little rocks for a significant portion of their lives. No television, no computers, no recreation.

And when they fuck up again, and yes, a significant number of them undoubtedly will... you double up the weight and do it again.

That's where I want my share of THE NEXT 2 BILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS to go... protecting the larger field of folk.


RELATED: You mean "honesty", right?
Government insiders and critics said reimbursements for per diems, rent and mileage are made with few questions asked on Parliament Hill as part of a system that values efficiency ahead of probity.
No wonder the fiberals are screaming hysterically about a fake lake.