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07 May 2010

Apparently, it's gonna take...

...more than four million magic bullets to solve this one...
The head of the Saskatoon Tribal Council calls the rising rates of HIV in the province a “crisis” facing First Nations and Metis people.

The number of people testing positive for HIV in Saskatchewan is more than double the national average.
Of course... that's assuming these folks even make it into adulthood...
"The rate of deaths from injuries is 3 to 4 times higher for Aboriginal children than for other children in Canada."

Source: Government of Canada (2002) Healthy Canadians – A Federal Report on Comparable Health Indicators 2002. Ottawa: Health Canada.
And, if the Globe was trying to stir up sympathy for the cause... it looks as though things may have gone horribly wrong...
It must be "our" fault. In due course, we will be told that the cycle of dependency, leading to poverty, despair, alcohol and drug addiction etc. is clearly "our" fault.

Then more of "our" money can be offered up. This money will in large measure, stay with people at the top of the aboriginal governments.

Then they will identify some other failing of "ours" that can only be addressed with the application of more of "our" money.
Yeah... let's talk about "the money."