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07 May 2010

All about the equality

I'm sure Jack Layton & his ilk wouldn't wanna treat this woman like a second-class criminal.
-- OTTAWA -- The Crown is seeking to imprison a mother of two for three to five years, arguing she was the “right hand man” of her grow-op boss husband.

Mai Anh Vu, 39, pleaded guilty to conspiring to produce and traffic marijuana and committing an offence on behalf of a criminal organization.

“I have a hard time distinguishing her from her husband - they seem like true partners in the family business, in the marriage,” he said.
Give her the full jolt.

"You've come a long way, baby."


RELATED: Law trumps common sense...

..not to mention human decency...
-- CALGARY -- The Calgary dad charged with dipping his baby's feet in scalding water, badly burning her, can apply for visitation, a judge ruled Thursday.

"He ... dipped her feet into the pot to see her reaction," the prosecutor said.

Nickel later said "after hurting her he felt like a hero because she needed me."
I got nuthin'.