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23 March 2010

Spinning Liberal Gold

Screw that whole "personal responsibility" deal... we've got abortions...
The Liberals are stirring the pot by using abortion rights as a wedge issue between their party and the Conservatives. And so far the Tories are falling into their trap.

Opposition strategists believe that every time a Tory says the word “abortion,” it’s gold for the Liberals.

“I think the politics is extremely shrewd, very smart. I think it’s exactly the right way to go,” former Paul Martin communications director Scott Reid said on CBC’s Power and Politics last night.
Yup, of course Scott... Big Mother knows what's best for all of us...
"Umm . . . is discussing allowing teenagers to bugger each other really the business of the Liberal Party?"
Michael Ignatieff & friends... looking out for your teenage sons and, of course... your teenage daughters.