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23 March 2010

We, the Whitehouse...

Attorneys general from 13 states, including Florida, sued the federal government today, claiming the landmark health care overhaul is unconstitutional just seven minutes after President Barack Obama signed it into law.

The lawsuit was filed in Pensacola after the Democratic president signed the 10-year, $938 billion bill the House passed Sunday night.

"This is the first time in American history where American citizens will be forced to buy a particular good or service," said Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning.
Oh, oh... looks like it's time to distract the audience.

Hey... maybe Barry can close down Gitmo like he promised... that'll set a cat among the pigeons.


RELATED: Considering the consequences
"Five years from now, just as in Canada and Europe two generations ago, we'll be getting used to announcements of defense cuts to prop up the unsustainable costs of big government at home. And, as the superpower retrenches, America's enemies will be quick to scent opportunity."
Hey, Iran... ya listenin'?