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25 January 2010

Another CTV Moonbat Moment

Here's some more of that carefully scripted nonsense that passes for news these days... when they're not screaming about Stephen Harper barbequing babies...
"the beloved mittens held so dear by so many..."
The big deal here is that, apparently, someone is counterfeiting Olympic geegaws.

Damn, Sandie... do I have to let go of my media-manufactured prorogue outrage... and shift it over to these "beloved mittens"?

And what's the deal with personally thanking the reporter for bringing us each story.

Is this something we're actually supposed to be grateful for? Isn't reporting on these earth-shaking events what these people get paid to do?

I don't get it.


RELATED: Red mittens, my hairy ass...

Where is CTV on the ongoing aboriginal suicide?
Inuit infants die at well over three times the rate of other Canadian babies, according to a massive new study published Monday in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Of course... the leftosphere is all too eager to blame this on racist Canadian society. Apparently, it's all about "inflicted" poverty.

Funny though... there's no money to feed the kids, but enough money for some things...
"Inuit mothers and pregnant women have high smoking and drinking rates."
Oh crap... I guess we're not really allowed to say that, are we?