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24 January 2010

Speaking of Socialist Outrage...

...and selective memory... anybody else see Dear Leader Layton working the prorogue patsies on Parliament Hill yesterday?
-- SUN MEDIA -- Rae’s NDP won power Sept. 6, 1990. On Dec. 19, 1991, Rae prorogued the House. They didn’t come back until April 6, 1992. He then prorogued again, Dec. 10, 1992 — and didn’t come back until April 13, 1993.

By 1994, his government had run out of steam. They were running double-digit deficits and he’d doubled the debt. Some of his experimental policies proved laughable at best and disastrous at worst.

Limping badly, he prorogued for the third time on Dec. 9, 1994. The House did not sit again until the legislature was dissolved April 28, 1995.

For four-and-a-half months, this province had no sitting Legislature.
What's that, Jacko... no comment? And you, Mr Ignatieff... anything to say about your former college room-mate and fellow Liberal MP?

Yeah... that's what I thought.


RELATED: Yessirree... we're with Jack

And we don' need no steenkin' questions...
"In view of the fact that Bob Rae has prorogued Parliament three times, Jean Chretien four times, and Pierre Trudeau eleven times, do you see Stephen Harper’s second prorogation as (a) a particular abuse of power or (b) the use of a legitimate constitutional tool?"

LAST WORD: Oh, Grace... now you've done it

It's straight to the gulag for you...
"I'm very concerned. I have grandchildren and I want to leave them a democratic country and this is no longer a democratic country," she said.

Isaak compared Harper to a dictator who she said is running the country as he pleases.
Of course, Gracie... any fool could see there's absolutely no difference between Stephen Harper & Robert Mugabe.

Thank you, oh wonderful CBC.