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29 September 2009

"The only thing I missed..."

"...about Canada was, er... Cherry Beach"...
Michael Ignatieff tells us that we need to reach out to India and China, while he himself is loathe to reach out past his Toronto bunker.

Ignatieff tells us that we need to create green jobs as he lectures us from a park located on an man-made island in Toronto.
Oh... the IG-nominy.


Won't increased trade with China & India create more so called "carbon pollution"? How does the Iggster plan to mitigate that, a revival of the Dion Carbon tax?

RELATED: The Iggy fun just never ends
Ignatieff will face evisceration on Rick Mercer Reports tonight in a spoof on his new television commercial.

With Ignatieff talking up environmental issues before a forested background, a charging grizzly bear bowls over the leader before a graphic appears declaring: "The Liberal Party of Canada: Playing dead."