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17 September 2009

From the guy who brought you...

..."I won't raise your taxes"... and other fairy tales...
"The McGuinty government ... has an instinct to duck behind any convenient political shield it can find and is willing to put anyone's head on a stick as long as it's not their own," PC Leader Tim Hudak said.

Premier Dalton McGuinty "SAID" his government has increased access to FOI by broadening it to include Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation but did not deny the allegation the expense report was held back.
I know the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT isn't as sexy as hearing about an ex-Conservative MP's substance abuse problem, or some dumbass civil servant sending out body bags to an aboriginal reserve... but ask yourself... in the bigger picture, what's the more important issue here.

Don't let Premier McSlippery and his ilk pull the wool over your eyes... yet again.
