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08 June 2009

Live and don't learn... that's us

Someone please explain to me why Shawn Brant isn't cooling his heels in jail.
-- DESERONTO -- Native protesters led by Shawn Brant blocked both ends of the Skyway Bridge near Deseronto Sunday evening, claiming the move was in support of First Nations members in Akwesansne.

Traffic is being turned away from the scene by provincial police, meaning anyone looking to cross into Prince Edward County — or from the county into Deseronto — will have to travel to the Norris Whitney Bridge in Belleville.

Brant said the protesters are in for the "long haul," and will be staying on scene until the government opens talks with the people of Akwesansne. He said he expects more people to show up to join the protest later in the day.
Try this sometime yourself. Get a whole bunch of your friends and try to shut down a public highway.

See how long it takes the local cops to drag your non-aboriginal ass off to lockup.
Members of the Akwesanse First Nation have been engaged in a protest that has led to the closure of the Seaway International Bridge, which spans the St. Lawrence River.

Protesters say they're worried arming border guards at the Cornwall Island border crossing could lead to violence on their land.

There have been no reports of injuries or clashes between police, the protesters or the public to date at the protest in Deseronto.

RELATED: Who is Shawn Brant?
