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08 June 2009

Okay, that's step one

Looks like Lebanon might be back on track to regaining its sanity and political stature....
The final results delivered early afternoon Monday confirmed March 14 was the winner with 71 seats in the 128-seat parliament, which included two allied independent candidates, against the opposition's 57 seats.

The results will bring sighs of relief and gasps of dismay from governments in cities as far removed as Washington; Tehran, Iran; Jerusalem; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Of course, it's far from the end of a very long stretch of bad road...
Hezbollah's priority in the coming negotiations is to ensure that a future government will not represent a threat to its formidable military wing.

Hezbollah insists that its weapons are necessary to deter future Israeli aggression, but its opponents argue that only the Lebanese Army has the right to bear arms and only the state can decide on matters of war and peace.