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29 May 2009

"It's an Obamination," says Iran

Oh, in that case... it looks like those brave "holy warriors" are totally off the hook...
A provincial official in Iran has accused the United States of being behind Thursday's bombing of a mosque that killed at least 19 people.

Jalal Sayah, deputy governor of Sistan-Baluchestan province, said three people had been arrested following the attack. "According to the information we obtained they were hired by America and the agents of arrogance," he said.

Jalal Sayah, in comments to the semi-official Fars news agency, accused the attackers of being mercenaries hired by the US.
And, apparently the BBC is good with that contention...
It is a common accusation from the Iranians, the BBC's Jon Leyne in Tehran says, and the facts of this case may never be known.

But it is an open secret that former US President George W Bush directed large amounts of money to try to destabilise Iran and there is no sign the policy is any different under President Barack Obama, our correspondent adds.
Oh, man... this is so confusing.

I thought President Hope'n Change was sucking up to the Mad Mullahs... but apparently, he's got the CIA vapourising mosques. Who knew?

Yeah... I bet he's using some of that alien technology they've got hidden away at Area 51.
