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29 May 2009

Thank gawd he didn't say...

..."black hole"...
tar baby - n. - "A situation or problem from which it is virtually impossible to disentangle oneself."

[After “Bre'r Rabbit and the Tar Baby,” an Uncle Remus story by Joel Chandler Harris.]

"When the opposition parties refer to Alberta Oil Sands as Tar Sands are they attacking the "people of color" that work in the Oil Sands?"

UPDATE: Actually, it sounds like Ms. Jennings... the "female equivalent" of Rainman...
Liberal MP Marlene Jennings, who is black, also denounced Mr. Poilievre's remark as offensive and insensitive, adding it was “the equivalent of the n-word.”
You know what's demeaning, Marlene?

Letting yourself be used for cheap political points... especially when it doesn't make sense.
