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29 May 2009

Hey.... this is fuzzy-bunny Canada

It's worth a shot...
Convicted killer Richard Raymond Babinski -- claiming that Ojibway blood somehow courses through his mother's family tree, this sudden revelation coming only after spending years in prison -- sat at his parole hearing in Kingston, his long hair in a braided ponytail, a Native elder at his side, and called himself a "concrete Indian."

Some 300 km away in Toronto, in a second-floor Correctional Service of Canada office on Dundas St. W., Jeremy Mead, the 27-year-old man who Babinski turned into a six-year-old orphan when he raped and then strangled his mother, scoffs at the theatre he is witnessing -- all coming to him via video conference.

"The Indian act is bogus," he later says. "All I saw on that screen was a coward, a rapist and a murderer.

RELATED: Aboriginal... it's a state of mind

Just ask convicted Toronto cop-killer Craig Munro...
Thursday's hearing will take place at his minimum-security prison, Kwikwexwelhp Healing Village, which puts aboriginal spirituality at the centre of its rehabilitation program.

Munro is not aboriginal but has converted to native teachings.

"Why is it that fundamentalist Christian crap like "creationism", etc., is readily made fun of by the left, but fundamentalist native crap like "Turtle Island" and "Great Spirit" is sacrosanct?"