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26 March 2009

You know you're really getting...

...under somebody's skin... when they set up multiple dedicated Blogger accounts... just so they can troll your comments.

Meet Nonny-Mouse... aka Liberal Supporter...
For the record, Nonny has already "pwned" me... cos' you know, everybody is his "beotch".

Boy... all of this just sounds so familiar.


UPDATE: Nonny-Mouse throws in the towel...
Very Well neo-mouse,

I leave you to your echo chamber, sorry if ask asking tough questions politely is an offence here. Yet it is your house and your rules, although I notice that enforce of those rules isn't uniform.
Try to enjoy our life, maybe lose some of the anger.
Posted by Nonny-Mouse to halls of macadamia at 9:16 AM, March 28, 2009