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26 March 2009

Ask a "Non-Urban"...

..."Non-Two Spirited" Canadian...
The long-gun registry has been a bane in the North where hunting and sport shooting are part of the culture and popular pastimes for both residents and visitors.

The root objection to the gun registry is that it targets the wrong people. It's a rural solution to an urban problem.

Implemented as a crime-preventative measure, the long-gun registry has simply been an unwieldy and intrusive colossal waste of money that penalizes law-abiding hunters, farmers and recreational shooters and does nothing to enhance public safety.

Since its implementation in 2003, it has cost Canadians more than $2 billion but has never solved or prevented a single crime.
My feelings on the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry" are quite well-known... so I don't need to reiterate them here.

The point to remember is that handguns in Canada have required a special "restricted registration" since the 1930s.

That, of course, didn't stop the "natural governing party" from awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in software and hardware contracts to their corporate pals... while claiming they were battling crime.

And guess what... even with the really abysmal compliance rate, the damn thing still doesn't work.

Chew on that for a minute... and unless you're a complete idiot... you're gonna be clamouring for your two billion dollars back.

Because, the simple truth is, you've been suckered by the Liberals... yet again.
