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01 January 2009

Situational Ethics

So, lemme get this straight... if they're running around threatening people and talking to God... that's no biggie... but let the mercury drop and we can round 'em up like sheep?
“Not all homeless people are mentally ill and so simply using the Mental Health Act won't cover all the homeless people,” he said Wednesday.

Instead, he said temperature should be used as a factor for taking action.

When the temperature was sufficiently cold, it should be the basis for apprehending people and putting them in shelters, he suggested.
You've gotta love the demented left. They oppose measures like detaining "mentally ill" people who refuse to take their meds... but they're willing to suspend civil liberties to protect them from the weather.

Apparently, it's okay to wander around in a psychotic funk... as long as you won't freeze your tootsies.

What about protecting the rest of us? Why don't our lives matter?

I don't get it.


RELATED: "Save us... oh wonderful Dalton"


"Madness in the Streets" is a book I really suggest you read. It is a few years old now and would do with an update (1992), however the authors describe the useless ideas of the left perfectly.