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01 December 2008

Oh... the humanity

Here's what passes for "tough on crime"... in the once mighty "Socialist Republic of Britain"...
Thousands of offenders in England and Wales are to wear high visibility vests while doing community service. Ministers have ordered 10,000 orange bibs with "Community Payback" on the back identifying them to the public.

The government hopes the uniforms will increase confidence in community-based punishments which are seen by some as a soft option compared to prison.
Of course, the benighted left is, predictably, all freaked out at this draconian measure...
But probation groups warn the vests could "increase the risk" of offenders becoming targets for attacks.
Just you wait, though... you ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Canada's new Justice Minister, Olivia Chow... will leave her fuzzy-bunny Brit fellow-travellers in the dust.

Stand by for a brave new world.
