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01 December 2008

A taxpayer funded arm...

..of the Liberal party of Canada.

Mrs N. has the CBC on the radio... and their phone-in show is asking...
"How do you feel about the Liberal-NDP coalition bringing down the Conservative government?"
Funny how host Rita Celli forgot to mention... you know... the BLOC QUEBECOIS.

Oh yeah... the co-host of today's programme... former Liberal cabinet minister, leadership candidate and ex-MP John Godfrey.

Good grief.

Meanwhile, despite their best efforts... another "Red Star" pinko poll goes horribly wrong...

"The triumvarate will rule ONLY with the acquiesance of the Bloc. They must give in to Duceppe's demands and he will have a defacto veto on anything that is proposed."

"And if you think that only the nation's economic matters will be in play here consider language rights in Quebec, separate representation at various world happenings, dedicated funding for whatever suits the Bloc, constitutional issues, aboriginal claims and issues and more (if I gave it some thought.)"