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01 December 2008

"Nuthin' up my sleeve"

The utter desperation of Stephane Dion...
"This is a way to assure Canadians the economy would be managed properly," Fife told CTV Newsnet. The panel of "wise men" would help the new government navigate the current global economic turbulence, he said.

The list includes three Liberals and one New Democrat, though none currently hold elected office.
Well, actually... oh, Mighty Fife-bot... it's a way to try get jittery, skeptical Canadians back on the leaky, listing Dipper-Fiberal (not to mention, Separatiste) boat.

And people SHOULD BE WORRIED after listening to Taliban Jack... who is CAUGHT YIPPING about "wagging the dog"...
The tape also reveals some dissension among New Democrats on the notion of forming a coalition.

MP Charlie Angus can be heard saying that NDP efforts to win over the Liberals, rather than the public, are "insane" and "disastrous."

Layton then responds by saying that in order to win over the Liberals, the NDP needs to create public support and that "it's the Liberals that have all the nervousness and could screw this up."

Layton goes on to call the current situation a "game of chicken."
So there's where the NDP actually falls out.

What a marvellous time to be "Playing Chicken."
