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10 December 2008

High road, low road... who really cares?

I will bring down down the Conservatives... except if I don't...
"He's leaving all options open for himself."
And that, apparently, includes screwing over his coalition partners...
Fife also said senior Liberals have told him that they may not need a coalition to form a new government.

"If they do defeat the Conservative government... Ignatieff will go to the Governor General and say 'We think we can form the government but we don't have to do it with a coalition,'" Fife said.

"In other words we don't have to give the NDP any seats in a Liberal government."
Yeah... who could have seen that coming, huh?

Remember Jack... if they'll do it with you... they'll do it to you.


RELATED: Speaking of wheelin' & dealin'...
