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10 December 2008

Cavemen in our streets... with clubs...

...I'm not kidding...
Marking the 19th annual commemoration of the Ecole Polytechnique massacre, Mr. Ignatieff issued a statement commiserating with the 14 female victims' families. Well and good.

Not well and good was the lily-gilding statement, "Even today, nearly one in three Canadian women are victims of spousal abuse."
I guess what we're supposed to take away from this bald-faced assertion is that Iggy is a sensitive new-age guy, you know... unlike the troglodyte tories.

Except, of course, that's it's simply not true.
This oft-cited figure is a myth, fabricated from whole ideological cloth. If true, the epidemic social pathology it represents would render Canada as dysfunctional as Darfur.

Millions of Canadian women would be roaming the streets with broken bones.
And so it begins anew.


"Wow, one out of three? So which one out of three women in Iggy's family are being abused?"