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10 December 2008

Is the Rezko-Obama pot...

...about to boil over?

That's curious... link and website both now down
Now you see it... now you don't.


UPDATE: It's getting really interesting...
A former Illinois bank official, now claiming whistleblower status, says bank officials replaced a loan reappraisal that he prepared for a Chicago property that was purchased by the wife of now-convicted felon Tony Rezko, part of which was later sold to next-door neighbor Barack Obama.

In a complaint filed Thursday in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Kenneth J. Connor said that his reappraisal of Rita Rezko's property was replaced with a higher one and that he was fired when he questioned the document.
(h/t reader rich)


LAST WORD: Change you can... OH... MY... GAWD!!!


"Why did 66 million Americans bestow the presidency on an untested politician who hadn't even completed a full term in the U.S. Senate?"

"The answer boils down to a single word, social psychologists say. The president-elect tapped into a powerful human emotion called 'elevation'."