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17 November 2008

The unfortunate truth is... the situation now stands... Hamid Karzai can't even guarantee he'll be able to provide hot lunches for his staff every day... but there's no doubting he's got really, really big balls...
President Karzai says he will guarantee Omar's safety - despite possible objections by the international community - if he sincerely wants to negotiate peace.

"If I say I want protection for Mullah Omar - the international community has a choice - remove me or leave if they disagree."

RELATED: Once upon a fuzzy-bunny time...

It's true... when it gets down to it... you're actually fighting for the guy standing next to you...
These wars, we are told, were fought to defend tolerance, civil rights and equality. Not only is this insultingly dumb and anachronistic, it also obscures the authentic guts and flesh reality of the Canadian soldier throughout the last century.

He ran up beaches in France and hills in Belgium not for government grants to the transgendered or tax-funded courses in multiculturalism, but because it would have been cowardly, wrong and un-Canadian not to do so.