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17 November 2008

Mission of Mercy

Earlier Sunday, we travelled into the "belly of the beast"... (for the uninitiated, that's Toronto)... on a rescue mission. Mrs Neo's octogenarian father has been having some health issues... so we swooped in, scooped him up... and brought him back to our place.

We're gonna try and get him some medical advice, and if necessary... medical intervention... over the next week. As a result, blogging will almost certainly be lighter than usual.

I'd also like to request that anonymous commenters to the blog consider taking on some sort of pseudonym... (maybe just a google account)... to distinguish themselves from the mindless, one-trick pony trolling herd.

Lately I've been getting all kinds of obscene, threatening trolls... mostly from my "special" friend cc-nonymous... and it's just getting to the point where it interferes with the flow and enjoyment of actual conversations. Verbal sparring is one thing... simply spouting anonymous obscenities and silly threats is totally another.

When I've actually dealt with cc-nonymous head on and he feels he's been bested... he always claims some other anonymous is responsible for the original remarks. In short, cc-nonymous is a coward AND a dickhead of the dullest order... and this week I just don't have the patience to stop and constantly wipe him off my shoe.

I could always go to "full moderation" like so many other bloggers... or no comments at all, like Kathy Shaidle... but the truth is, I enjoy the interplay in the comments even more than any editorialising I do in the posts themselves.

I'm just a little tired of having the internet equivalent of obscene phone hangups constantly muddying up the comment threads.

So folks... if you wanna insure your comments won't be summarily deleted... I suggest you pick a pseudonym and take some responsibility for your words.

Otherwise... fair warning... you takes your chances.


UPDATE: Okay... it's diabetes

Not totally unexpected and eminently treatable.

Got scrips for the blood sugar and low iron and we've got a sonogram and an appointment with an internist later this week.

That's about as good as it gets.
