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29 October 2008

It's a No-Brainer

How smart do you have to be... to realise that the lack of a proper education, especially in today's knowledge-based economy, will make or break your child's future?

In fact, here in Canada, without that piece of paper, you can be condemning yourself to a lifetime of menial, low-paying jobs... or worse... a life of penury.

And, what exactly, is the deal with Canada's aboriginal communities?
Using data from the 2006 census, Prof. Richards demonstrates that a high-school diploma makes any Canadian, whether aboriginal or not, nearly twice as likely to hold a job.
That just makes sense, right?

So can anyone explain why so many fewer native children are failing to achieve the most basic of educational footholds... the high school diploma?
But for aboriginal people aged 20 to 24, the group that most recently went through the Canadian school system, barely 60 per cent have completed high school, compared with nearly 90 per cent of non-aboriginals.

That rate drops to nearly 50 per cent among those that identify themselves as first-nations members, as opposed to Métis or Inuit, and declines to less than 40 per cent for those living on reserves.
Now... this is where Zorpheus and Rob Budde and Dr Dawg all jump in and start to sing a merry song of racism.

But hey, guys... hang on just a second.

Other so-called visible minorities, immigrants who come to this country penniless and without even basic English language skills, are blowing right past aboriginals... grabbing hold of that idealised Canadian dream and becoming wildly successful.

This isn't about race and racism... it's about culture.

It's about a culture of defeat, a culture of victimisation.

And don't tell me there are no opportunities for aboriginal people. The taxpayers of this country pour 10 billion dollars every year into trying to float that shoddy, leaky First Nations cultural boat. If native children manage to get that high school diploma, there are, in this uber politically-correct environment, companies and government programmes that will fall over backwards to help them get ahead.

Just ask folk hero and convicted criminal Shawn Brant about his $430,000 government loan, which... by the way... he defaulted on.

Stop pissin' and moanin' and get your collective asses in gear... because it's not just your lives you're wasting.

Do it for your kids.


RELATED: And anarchy... that ain't gonna help.

If these folks spent as much time actually working... or building up their community... as they did in these paranoid fantasies... everybody would be way better off.

Not gonna happen though, huh?

(h/t reader mike)