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29 October 2008

First it was...

"I won't cut your taxes... but I won't raise them either."

Then there was a billion dollars in hospital construction cost overruns.

So where does Dalton McGuinty draw the line on wheelin' & dealin'?
-- TORONTO -- Kyle Weese's plea bargain that saw gun charges dropped in 2006 came at a time when the provincial government was proclaiming the success of a policy not to make such deals.

"We absolutely fully prosecute gun crimes to the fullest extent and oppose bail on gun crimes. We already do that," then-attorney general Michael Bryant said in the legislature in November 2006.
Funny how that works.
"Runciman blasted Ontario's attorney general Tuesday for allowing a plea deal that saw the Crown drop six of seven serious charges against Kyle Weese for a shooting-related incident in 2005."