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09 September 2008

Stephane Dion...

...should really start off all his pressers... "Once upon a time..."insert alt text here
Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion wants to prohibit assault weapons if he becomes Prime Minister and says Stephen Harper is “soft on crime” because he refuses to do the same.
A couple of small points here, Stef... actual assault rifles, like those used by our troops in Afghanistan, are already prohibited in Canada. More to the point, this gun is no more an assault rifle than you are.

The firearm used by Kimveer Gill... (you know... the guy with a psychiatric history who waltzed past the Fiberals two-billion dollar "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry")... was actually more of a glorified pistol with a shoulder stock.

Sure it looked dark and menacing in all those tv spots... but it fires 9mm pistol ammo... as opposed to the Nato standard .223 Remington rifle cartridge that can rip through walls, vehicles and kevlar vests... like Jason Kenney through... well... you, for instance.

And guess what Stef?

Even if this firearm had never existed, Krazy Ol' Kimveer was gonna find a way. He would have run people down with his car... or set their house on fire... or stove in their skull with mom's meat tenderiser.

And the sad truth of this situation is that you can't legislate sanity. What you could do though, is stop making up scary stories and exploiting a tragedy to win yourself some votes.

I know you're getting a little desperate these days... but maybe Stephen Harper shouldn't be your biggest concern right now. I'm thinkin' that horse has already left the barn.

Say... what are Bob and Iggy up to these days?

Steffi... Steffi...


"Yes, dead people are such a hoot. Typical far right "I was just joking" routine."
You mean like your compassionate, progressive, fellow-traveller Canadian Cynic...
A hoot indeed.


POSTSCRIPT: Anybody else getting feedback...

...from the Imperial Romulan Empire?