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09 September 2008

Ask a Big City Liberal

Like his pal in hippie-tude, the infamous butt-sniffer Dr Dawg... and fearless, er... clueless leader Steffi D... BigCityLiberal thinks taking perfectly legal firearms away from law-abiding citizens... is the answer to all our recent "bodies in the streets" issues.

Well... it's certainly easier than trying to deal with the various factions in the GTA who are using smuggled, illegal weapons to conduct a bloody insurgency against each other.

-- TORONTO -- "We're appealing for members of the community to come forward," Det-Sgt. Peter Moreira said.

"It happened in the middle of the day and there's lots of people around. We're confident a great number of people saw what happened." But even the youths who charged past the police tape refused to speak with officers.

The area has become increasingly violent over the past few years, with gunfire becoming more and more frequent, area residents said.

Just over a month ago, during Jamaica Day celebrations, Dominic Shearer-Hanomansingh was shot in the head outside an apartment building a block down the street.
But, we're not allowed to talk about that... are we guys? Especially not about that "refusing to talk to cops" thing. Because that'd be racism.

Nothing to see here folks... move along.


"Far too many criminals have been given far too many second chances."

"What the hell do "progressives" think would happen? That a thug will turn into a Mohandas Gandhi after his 30th conviction or something?"
"If poverty caused violence, why isn't Newfoundland, Cape Breton or Northern Ontario a war zone?"

UPDATE: From Dr Dawg's cold, dead hands...

"I'm with Stephen Harper on this one."
Well, perhaps this Dawg will hunt after all.


UPDATE2: Dr Dawg clarifies his clarification
"I have never posted directly on the subject, but I alluded to the gun registry..."
Okay, let's try this again... the Dawggie once "alluded" to his opposition to the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry" and... oh yeah... "Stephen Harper is still the Devil."


UPDATE3: JAGWIRE spanks the Dawg
"YOU are accusing others of parsing? Good goddess, that's a ripper, that is."

"In a post where you accuse McCain of not doing enough research you took the word of a guy who used wikipedia, retracted two statements, were wrong on another and uninformed on the fifth."

"Not a good batting average really."

UPDATE4: Speaking of bodies in the streets

Sorry, Dawg.
