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26 September 2008

A Reader writes...

...this is the response my bro in Florida received when he tried to order a McCain/Palin T-shirt for me.
Dear GOP Trunk customer,

In the past few weeks, we have seen a large surge in orders since the nomination of the McCain-Palin ticket. We are working around the clock to fulfill the orders as quickly as possible and ask for your patience. Some items on your order may have been on backorder at the time of your transaction. Your orders will ship with all in-stock items and backordered items will follow at a later date.

We apologize for any inconvenience and, again, appreciate your patience. Thank you for your business and your support of John McCain and Sarah Palin.


GOP Trunk
(877) 542-1426


And look what "anonymous" comment mysteriously shows up here as well.
Yessiree... that CC is one class act.

And guess what?

It gets even better...
Kinda makes you wonder how "sjwalter" of Waterloo must feel... about having his name come up... even peripherally... in association with this sort of thing?

If it was me, I'd be more than a little upset.

But Mr. Walter's been strangely silent so far... well, except for corresponding with, yes... you guessed it... Canadian Cynic.

Seems the two of them have worked something out.
