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26 September 2008

Ezra told me not to come

Want some whiskey in your water...
Sugar in your tea...
What's all these crazy questions...
They're askin me...
This is the craziest party...
That could ever be...
Don't turn on the lights...
Cause I don't wanna see

RELATED: Canada's kangaroo courts...

...somebody oughta write a book.

You know, somebody close to the action... wait a minute...
"I just got back from a luncheon on the HRCs, with Alan Borovoy, Leo "I don't debate liars" Adler and David Matas, B'nai Brith's lawyer."

"Shorter Adler and Matas: as Mel Brooks says in Blazing Saddles: 'Holy underwear! We've got to protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen! Harrumph harrupm!!' PS: Holocaust. Zundel. Rwaanda. Zzzzzz."

"Borovoy was outstanding. He really 'gets' it. He is also about 120 years old, so he won't be around to 'get' it forever and help others understand. He got big rounds of spontaneous applause."

"Matas mentioned this new case and more or less said 'now that we're being sued we've changed our minds about this whole HRC thing. Gee, the HRC procedures are so weird -- they won't tell us who filed the complaint, etc.'"

"Well, welcome to Earth, Dave. Duh."